A Safe Way to get a Natural Looking Tan any Time of the Year

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In the past few decades there have been numerous warnings about the dangers of tanning booths and self-tanning products. The light rays given off in tanning booths could be as harmful as those given off by the sun. The ingredients used in self-tanning products could also cause harm, since a majority of them are made from synthetic sources. Fortunately, for those individuals interested in achieving a natural looking tan there is a new product designed to provide a healthy glow without causing any harmful side effects. The new product called Melanotan is available through certain online retail websites.

A Natural Peptide

The biggest difference with Melanotan is that it is designed as a peptide created by the body. The body naturally produces a hormone or peptide that creates the pigmentation found within the skin. People who use Melanotan enhance the pigment producing effect inside their bodies so they achieve a beautiful tan in much less time. Since the peptide acts on the body's natural systems the tan a person obtains is always in keeping with their own natural skin tone. This means the tan will never appear as though it was fake or leave streaks the way self-tanning products do.

Additional Product Benefits

Since the peptide acts the same way as the natural pigment producing hormones, it could significantly reduce the harmful side effects of being exposed to the sun's rays. Fair skinned people have been shown to burn less when using Melanotan. In addition to the tanning effects this product provides it has also been shown to suppress a person's appetite and increase sexual functions. In some cases it has also helped reduce inflammation. The positive effects of melanotan has made it a popular choice among people who want a healthy looking sun-kissed glow any time of the year.

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