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Tanning your skin may seem very difficult because of the exposure to ultraviolet radiations, and this scares people a lot. Well, the Melanotan Peptide has solved all your worries. What it does is to tan your skin by increasing the Melanin rate in your body. Melanotan Peptide is of two types: MT-1 and MT-2. Both of them work very well in terms of tanning, but MT-2 works faster but has more side effects. The dosages for both products differ.


Purpose of Melanotan Peptide

The peptide aids in energizing how the body responds to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It is a perfect answer for those who have fair skin. This use of the Melanotan Peptide is a quicker tanning process and heals skin cells damaged by the sun. It is best suited for those whose skin is pale and prone to skin burn.



The application of Melanotan Peptide aids in tanning without the long process of waiting under the scorching sun which often results in sunburns. However, a little sunlight exposure is required for maximum effect.


Also, it helps to protect the skin from damage, and the tan lasts longer than sunlight tan.



The use of melanotan is a process, and as such requires the right amount of dosages when starting it and dosages to use when gotten to your desired skin tone. The peptide comes as a sealed dried powder which should be mixed with 1 or 2 milligrams of uninfected water. It is advisable for it to be done at home so that it can be kept in the fridge to keep it active.


The best way to apply it is through injections because it has a 100% rate of absorption. It is usually your skin type that determines how long you are going to use it.

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